Cameron Averay

Adelaide 2024

I'm stepping up against cancer!

Cancer impacts so many of us, and this year, we’re fighting back. Our team, Joe United are taking on Relay For Life to raise vital funds for people impacted by cancer, and to honour a great man.

Last year we lost our hero, Joe (Opa). Joe was diagnosed with Stage 4 bladder cancer 13 years ago. Against all odds, he fought back to full remission. Unfortunately last year his bladder cancer returned. Joe was a fighter, holding on to meet his great grand-son Charlie in August 2023. Joe lost his battle a few weeks after meeting Charlie, peacefully passing away surrounded by all his special people. 

Prior to his passing, his daughter Tammy, asked him what he wanted to be remembered for. His response was 'helping others'. Joe loved helping others that were less fortunate, taking on the mantra, 'You can't change the world, but you can make a little bit of a difference to some people'. Joe  supported so many communities, his favourite, volunteering in Koroipita Village Fiji, which he visited annually for 15 years. In honouring Joe, we feel like it is our time to make that little bit of a difference in this world, one step at a time. 

To get there, our team are going the distance. We’re taking on the laps so Cancer Council can offer support services to families through one of the most difficult times of their lives.

But like us, your support goes far. Your donation can tackle every aspect of every cancer. Together, we can fund life-changing cancer research, prevention and advocacy — and make powerful strides against cancer in our communities.

United, we are stronger than cancer. Please donate to our team today and help support a cancer free future. Thank you!

So far this year I've helped provide:


Kids with a SunSmart education


Calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


Days of a PhD student's world-class research

My level:

Thank you to my Sponsors



Solid work for the team!


Media Cam Productions





Matthew Palfrey




Marley & Kate


Dennis The Menace

Thank you for the opportunity to support, Cam.




All The Gianninis




Paul Newman

You are all making a little bit of a difference in a big way !


Adam Turnbull

Enjoy the Run




Liana Galic





Wine Drive


Kim Price

You’ve always had a heart of gold! Sending love to you all and absolutely every bit counts x


Cam Averay


Aaron Vinall





Kath Holland

Good luck, Beck


Cameron Averay

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