Canberra (ACT) 2025

Relay For Life is a fun and moving experience that raises vital funds for the Cancer Council’s research, prevention and support services. Relay is a chance for the community to recognise and celebrate local cancer survivors, those going through a cancer experience and their carers, to honour and remember loved ones lost and to raise money to help save more lives.

Join the thousands of Australians who take part in Cancer Council’s Relay For Life each year and make strides towards a cancer free future: start or join a team in Relay For Life 2025 today!

More information about the event

Fundraising goal

Raised so far


Our goal


Event details

  • Chelsea Watson just donated $140
  • Katherine Johnston just donated $60.46
  • Cathy Prout just donated $54.12
  • David Templeman just donated $106.12
  • Nicholas Dare just donated $25
  • Cathy Daly just donated $25
  • Cathy Daly just donated $55.25
  • Kim Maeyaert just donated $60.46
  • Zac Stevens just donated $54.12
  • Mum 💖 just donated $128
  • Dominic Neville just donated $10
  • Dominic Neville just donated $15
  • Michelle Demetrius just donated $60.46
  • Anonymous just donated $135.04
  • Anonymous just donated $85.48
  • Nicholas Walton just donated $25
  • Ethan Reiss just donated $25
  • Ethan Reiss just donated $8.15
  • Amie Jackson just donated $50
  • Amie Jackson just donated $4.12

Frequently asked questions

Event Information

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Everyone is invited to join Relay For Life and help create a cancer free future. You can run, walk, or roll the track! Relay For Life offers pricing for adults and youths depending on how early you register prior to your event. Please refer to the pricing list below for more information.


Early Bird Adult Tickets (18+)


ends 31 January 2025

Early Bird Youth Tickets (6-17)


ends 31 January 2025

Standard Adult Tickets (+18 years)


from 1 February 2025

Standard Youth Tickets (6-17)


from 1 February 2025

*Children aged 0-5 are free

Cancer Council do not offer refunds and our general policy is to treat your money as a donation. Should you have made an error whilst registering or donating please contact your local Cancer Council office for assistance.

Relay For Life Shirts

Please note, Relay For Life 2025 T-Shirts are not included in the registration fee. These are available as an additional option for purchase via the Registration link or through our Relay For Life online shop here:

Shirts can be collected by the following ways:

  • From our Deakin office (Unit 1/173 Strickland Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600)- please contact before visiting us.

  • On the day of the event from the Registration Station

Find us on our Socials!

Connect with us to keep up-to-date with all things Relay:

Site Map and Team Allocation

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Please contact if you have campsite preference for your team. 

Team Site Allocation

Team Site number
A Dream Team 31
ACT Rovers 51
ACU SIgnaroo Hoppers 97 &128
Air Force Canberra Region 77 & 84
Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) 75,76,85,86
Average Nick and Joe 5 & 28
Beetroot Bandits 108 & 117
Black Mountain Bilbies 140,141,142
Bold Bandannas 164
Box's Cancer Tour 8 & 25
Callida 32
Canberra Irish Club 118
Chaffing the dream 47,48,49,50
Chipping Away!! 6 & 27
Cirque du Sore Legs 161
Cramping for a Cure 123 & 124
Falcon Fighters 119
Griffin Hall 2025 44,45,52,53
Holy Walkamolies 152
Infinite Believers 162 & 163
Just keep on  38 & 59
Kindred Soles 41 & 56
KPMG 33 & 64
Laps for Life 148
Laps of Judgement  58
Latham Primary School  12,13,20,21
Lavender and Lace 103 & 122
Lionel's Skywalkers Strike Back 113
MACS & YSL The Hive 130
Maliganis Edwards Johnson 74 & 73
Milk Drinkers 156
NASCAR on Broadway 112
NIXONS5 9,10,23,24
NOW 4 Life 2025 11 & 22
One More Lap 80 & 81
Open for suggestions 114
Purple People 54 & 55
Relay Renegades 120 & 121
Ryan's Express 15 & 16
Slowpokes & Meowstics 46
Starry Knight 115
Team Gold 127
Team Havelock 17
The Big Guns 125
The Canteen gang 126
The Creekers 115
The dudes? 147
The GGs Gallivanting Go-Getters 37 & 60
The Mooovers 4 & 29
The Pikachus 78 & 79
The Woosh Wooshers 68 & 69
Tired Legs 67
Water Team 14
Yeehaw 149,150,151
OPTUS SMoothie bikes 129
Campbell High 62,63,35,34
Belconnen High  95,96,66,65
Single Relayers 131

On The Day

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What happens on the day?

Get excited because ACT Relay is back!

Here is what to expect at Relay!

  • Opening Ceremony

  • Survivors and Carers Opening Lap

  • Candlelight Ceremony of Hope

  • Closing Ceremony

  • Entertainment- live music, competitions, kids activities and lots of prizes!

  • Walking Track- keep those legs and team members moving!

  • Local food businesses will be supporting us this year and there will be vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options!

There is absolutely no pressure to stay on the track for the entire event. We do, however, encourage teams to have at least one person on the track at all times to get the most out of your Relay experience.                                          

Where to Park

Free parking will be available at the CIT Bruce Carpark (marked in red).There will be paid parking available in the GIO Stadium in the East Car Park and the BrayBrooke St carpark (marked in yellow). We recommend carpooling with your team. Drop-off in front of the track entrance is from 9am-3.30pm.

What to bring to Relay

Be sure to come to Relay well prepared! We advise to check the forecast the night before and dress for the weather. Remember, Relay for Life will we running overnight this year and it can be cold.But don’t forget to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide during daylight hours! Here is a list of things that teams should be sure to have handy on the day:

  • Marquee(s) and tents for your allocated site

  • Hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and lip balm

  • Your Relay for Life shirt (if you purchased a 2024 shirt or reuse one from previous years)

  • Comfortable walking/running shoes

  • Warm clothing (pants, jacket, beanies, glove, etc)

  • Torch and spare batteries

  • Wet weather gear (raincoat, poncho, umbrella, etc)

  • Folding chairs and table

  • Plastic sheeting or rubber-backed rug (good for cold or damp grounds)

  • Marquee decorations and team banners

  • Team costumes

  • Camera to capture those special moments

  • Money and loose change

  • A tin of food to hold down your candlelight bags (collected food will be donated to Oz Harvest)

  • Your team!

What not to bring

  • Pegs are not allowed on site (please bring weights to hold your tents/marquees down)

  • Pets (guide and service pets are welcome)

  • Bikes, scooters or roller blades/skates

  • Glass

  • Fundraising money that you want to bank (please bank any money prior to the event or the next business day after Relay)

  • Remember, Relay for Life is a smoke,drug and alcohol-free event

Survivors & Carers

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Relay for Life is a time for our community to come together and celebrate cancer survivors, remember those who are no longer with us and fight back against cancer.

If you or anyone you love has ever heard the words 'You have cancer', you know how much it affects us and the people around us. None of us should ever have to face cancer alone, so whether you’re a Survivor, Carer or even a Fighter, getting involved in your local Relay for Life can introduce you to others who are facing similar challenges and create opportunities for sharing stories, friendship, and hope.

To acknowledge your journey through cancer, you’re invited to be our Guest of Honour at Relay for Life. Click on 'Register Now' to walk in the Survivors, Fighters and Carers Lap of Honour or just come along for the celebrations!

If you are having trouble registering, please contact- 

Under 18s

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Parent or Guardian

If you are under 18 years of age, you are required to have a parent or guardian complete the Parental Consent Form as part of the registration process

Failure to complete the form will mean you are unable to attend the Relay for Life event.

Youth Team Supervisors

All participants under 18 years of age are required to have a supervisor over the age of 18 present with their team for the duration of the event. Supervisors must register as a team captain and any following youth registrant must complete the Youth Form as part of the registration process. It is the responsibility of the parent, guardian, team captain to ensure the youth has completed this form with approval. If a youth team attends Relay For Life without the required number of supervisors over the age of 18, the team will not be able to participate. Please note that for youth teams, you must have 1 supervisor per 10 youth participants.If the youth team consists of more than 10 youth participants, Cancer Council ACT requires that two adult supervisors be present at all times throughout the Relay For Life event.

If you are a School Team, please contact us on or (02) 6145 2564

Thank you to our generous supporters

