Get on track
to end cancer

With 1 in 2 lives affected by cancer, everyone has
a reason to get on track and take part in Relay For Life.

Help us get one step closer to ending cancer.




Raised so far


Relay events

How it works


Register and join an event in your local community.

Spread the word

Invite friends to join you and raise funds to support those impacted by cancer.

Ready, Set... Go

Unite with your community and take strides against cancer.

United, we are stronger

When it comes to cancer, it takes a community. Across Australia, hundreds of volunteers host unique Relay For Life events to raise vital funds for Cancer Council.

Together we celebrate survivors, remember loved ones, and fight back against cancer.

Find your local event today and take strides against cancer.

Join Now

Relayers carrying a home-made banner with the words 'For Julie'
  • Helen Smith just donated $60.46
  • Adam Chambers just donated $60.46
  • siska leaman just donated $30
  • Robyn Bishop just donated $59.12
  • Zeke Rayner just donated $30
  • Zeke Rayner just donated $4.19
  • Anonymous just donated $135.04
  • Sammi (team Woods) Woods just donated $25
  • Sammi (team Woods) Woods just donated $29.12
  • Carmen Croce just donated $40
  • Carmen Croce just donated $3.60
  • Mia Freda just donated $20
  • Michelle Jayesuria just donated $106.12
  • Melinda Connor just donated $25
  • Melinda Connor just donated $30.48
  • Amy and Chris Byrne just donated $56
  • Gena St Clair just donated $30
  • Gena St Clair just donated $2.43
  • Celia Pollock just donated $60.46
  • Molly Walker just donated $30


Inspire others as a Survivor or Carer

While every cancer experience is unique, it takes extraordinary strength and resilience to face a diagnosis. If you’re a survivor or carer, you’re invited to participate in the Survivor and Carer’s Lap of Honour.
Held during the Opening Ceremony, you can choose to lap the track, or stay for the celebrations. Whatever you choose, you’ll inspire our participants, and most importantly, those facing their own cancer experiences right now.

Join Now

Reflect at the Candlelight Ceremony

During the relay, you’ll take strides against cancer. At the Candlelight Ceremony, it’s your chance to reflect and remember.

The Candlelight Ceremony is a touching, emotional vigil to honour your loved ones. You might remember the life of someone special, celebrate survivors, or reflect on your own cancer journey. While deeply personal, the Candlelight Ceremony has power to connect our community—and to remind us why we relay.

Join Now