Terms & Conditions
ACT 2025 RFL Terms & Conditions
Participation Terms and Conditions
All participants in Relay For Life must accept these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) prior to their participation in Relay For Life. If you are under the age of 18, you must ensure that these Terms and Conditions are accepted by your parent or guardian on your behalf. By participating in the event you are also accepting the Fundraising Guidelines that apply in the State or Territory in which you are conducting your fundraising event; the Privacy Collection Statement; and any other documents provided to you in your welcome pack, and you agree to comply with them. Where relevant these Terms and Conditions will also apply to spectators and visitors at Relay For Life events and to donors and supporters of participants.
Definitions and Interpretation
“Relay For Life” includes not only the Relay For Life event, but all other activities relating to Relay For Life, whether occurring before, during or after the Relay For Life event, and whether organised by Cancer Council or any other person.
“Cancer Council”, “we”, “us” or “our” means the Cancer Council in the State or Territory in which you are participating in Relay For Life. Full details of Cancer Council Australia’s State and Territory members are available here: https://www.cancer.org.au/about-us/about-cancer-council.
“You” means all adult participants, all Youth Participants and any parent or guardian accepting these Terms and Conditions on behalf of a Youth Participant.
“Youth Participants” means participants under the age of 18.
If any of part of these Terms and Conditions is unenforceable, illegal or void, then you agree that that part must be read down the minimum necessary to allow it to be enforceable whilst preserving as close as is possible the purpose of that part. If that part cannot be read down, it is severed, and the rest of these Terms and Conditions remain in force.
Risk Notice and Voluntary Assumption of Risk
You understand and agree that you participate in Relay For Life at your own risk.
Relay For Life is an event that involves the inherent risks of harm associated with physical exertion. Some of those risks include injury due to slippery or uneven surfaces, obstacles, trip hazards, overcrowding, collision with objects or people and the effects of heat, cold, dehydration and exhaustion. In rainy, windy or other inclement weather conditions, tents, marquees or other structures may collapse or become unsecured from the ground, potentially resulting in injury. Further risks may be associated with parts of Relay For Life that may occur at night.
The above is not an exhaustive list of all risks inherent in your participation in Relay For Life. There may be risks that are not known or reasonably foreseeable at this time.
Cancer Council recommends that you consult a doctor before participating in Relay For Life, particularly if you have ever experienced a heart condition, stroke, unexplained chest pains, faintness, dizziness, shortness of breath, severe asthma, diabetes, muscle, joint or bone problems or any other medical conditions that may make it dangerous for you to participate in Relay For Life. Regardless of whether you have consulted a doctor, you agree that you are aware of the risks involved and you voluntarily assume those risks (including any arising from the negligence of Cancer Council).
You warrant that you have no known medical conditions or disabilities that may be incompatible with your safe participation in Relay For Life. You warrant that you are in proper physical and mental condition to participate in Relay For Life. You consent to medical care and transportation in order to obtain treatment in the event of injury to your during the event, as volunteers or medical professionals may deem appropriate. You understand that these Terms and Conditions extend to full release and exclusion for any liability arising out of or in any way connected with the medical treatment and transportation provided in the event of an emergency and/or injury to me.
You understand that Cancer Council has obtained no personal accident insurance or any other insurance covering your participation in Relay For Life and it is your responsibility to obtain any and all insurance which is appropriate for that purpose.
You acknowledge that during Relay For Life both your person and your property shall be at your own risk. You understand and accept that the organisers and Cancer Council are not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings and that vehicles are parked at the owner’s own risk.
You understand that Cancer Council will not supervise Youth Participants and that Youth Participants must arrange to be supervised by an adult.
You will indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless Cancer Council and all Relay For Life sponsors and organisers, as well as their officers, employees, volunteers, agents and representatives, from any and all loss, damage, cost or expense in connection any claim arising from your participation in or involvement with Relay For Life or any breach of these Terms and Conditions by you; and publication or supply of any materials (as defined in the Media Consent and Provision of Materials clause below) by you.
Release and Exclusion of Cancer Council's Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by law:
- you fully and irrevocably exclude and release Cancer Council and all Relay For Life sponsors and organisers, as well as their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents and representatives, from all liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense (whether in negligence, contract, under statute or otherwise) suffered by you as a consequence of my involvement in Relay For Life, including in relation to death and personal injury;
- all conditions, warranties, guarantees, rights, remedies, liabilities or other terms implied or conferred by statute, custom, or the general law that impose any liability or obligation on Cancer Council or Relay For Life sponsors or organisers (or their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents and representatives) are excluded (including consumer guarantees to the extent such exclusions are permitted under the law);
- neither Cancer Council nor any Relay For Life sponsor or organiser (nor any of their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents and representatives) will be liable to you, or any other person in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind (including direct, indirect or consequential losses, damages, costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by you, or any other person in connection with Relay For Life; and
- in any circumstances where the above exclusions (or any of them) are held by a court to be ineffective or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, Cancer Council's liability to you and to any other person is limited (at its option) to resupplying, repairing or replacing the service to you or the payment of the cost of supplying the service to you again.
Refunds Policy
Registration payments and sponsorships of participants are not refundable for any reason. If you are unable or unwilling to participate in Relay For Life, or if the Relay For Life is modified or terminated for any reason, registration payments will be deemed to be donations to Cancer Council for which a tax-deductible receipt will be issued upon request. However, Cancer Council is willing to consider requests to transfer registration fees to future events on a case-by-case basis. Should you have made an error whilst registering or donating or wish to request a transfer to a future event please contact your local Cancer Council office for assistance.
Public Venue and Persons Giving Directions
Relay For Life is a public event held on premises or property made available for community events. As such, the agreement to participate means that you also agree to be bound by the rules and regulations that may apply to the premises or property where the Relay For Life is to be held. You also agree to follow the directions of anyone authorised to give directions whilst you are on the said premises or property. This includes directions not to participate, or to leave the premises or property where Relay For Life is held.
You agree to show respect and consideration for other participants in the event. You agree to abide by the venue rules concerning activities, coarse language, privacy, and noise. You acknowledge and agree that Relay For Life is a non-smoking event. You must obey all applicable laws at all time while participating in Relay For Life.
You also agree that you will abide by the decision of the local organisers of Relay For Life about whether alcohol is permitted to be consumed at the venue. You also agree that if alcohol is permitted, that you will not cause, permit or allow any such alcohol to be supplied to any minor. You acknowledge that Relay For Life is an animal free event, except for animals that are companions for people with visual impairments.
You acknowledge that Relay For Life is an event that may involve minors. You warrant that you/ are not a person recorded on the Australian National Child Offender Register.
Media Consent and Provision of Materials
You acknowledge that in the course of Relay For Life, photographs, images, film or audio recordings may be taken of you, either alone or with others. If you post photographs, images, film, audio recordings, text or artwork (“materials”) on social media, share that content with Cancer Council using hashtags or tag Cancer Council in the post, or otherwise provide any materials to Cancer Council, you will ensure that:
- you own the intellectual property in those materials or have the permission of the owner of the intellectual property for Cancer Council (and its assignees and licensees) to use such items;
- the material is not defamatory or a malicious falsehood in relation to any product, service, person or corporation;
- the material is not a ‘passing off’ of any product or service and does not constitute unfair competition;
- the material does not infringe any intellectual property right including, but not limited to, trademarks, service marks or business names (whether registered or unregistered), confidential information and copyright; and
- the material does not infringe any applicable laws including, but not limited to, the Australian Competition and Consumer Laws.
You agree to Cancer Council and its assignees and licensees using photographs, images, film, audio recordings, text, or artwork taken of you and materials provided by you (either complete or in part) for any purpose (including publicity, merchandising, editorial, education, fundraising) in any country and in any type of media without qualification (e.g. newspapers, magazines, social media, other print publications, radio and television broadcasts, websites, webinars, podcasts and vodcasts) and in perpetuity. You agree to the use of your name in conjunction with any photographs, images, film or audio recordings of or quotes from you . You also agree that the photographs, images, film, audio recordings, text or artwork taken of you and materials provided by you may be used by third party media organisations in connection with the reporting of Relay For Life.
Shipping and delivery
Cancer Council will distribute any merchandise purchased as part of your registration either at the Relay For Life you have registered for, at an Information Session about your Relay For Life prior to the event, or by post. Should you have any queries please contact your local Cancer Council office for assistance.
Pandemic and Communicable Disease Health Management
You agree to adhere to all public health rules and regulations notified to you by your local, state or federal Government, other regulatory body or the Relay For Life event venue.
If you are registering for Relay For Life on behalf of a group, as the team captain, you are responsible for knowing the contact details of all attendees in your group. In the event you are contacted directly by the Government (including a government health department) for the purposes of contact tracing, you must:
- make the contact details of your group available to the Government (if you have the consent of each group member to do so); or
- contact each member of your group, and request that they provide their contact details to the Government directly.
All attendees in your group, including yourself, must commit to stopping the spread of COVID-19. If at the time of the Relay For Life event, either you or any other members of your group are feeling unwell or are subject to a self-quarantine or self-isolation period, you agree not to attend the event.
Visibility of participant names
When you register for a Cancer Council Fundraising event a unique fundraising page will be created for you. This may include your name in the URL such as relayforlife.org.au/fundraisers/johndoe21/. This website URL and any content you choose to upload will be publicly accessible to third party services, including search engines, and other tools used by Cancer Council. Personal contact details and financial details will not be publicly visible in such ways.
Your name and the name of anyone else you purchase tickets for will be visible to the Team Captain ONLY if you join a team for this event.