I'm stepping up against cancer!
This year, I’m taking on Relay For Life to raise funds for every person who’s ever heard the words: “you have cancer”. In 2024, more than 150, 000 Australians will receive the news. Among them are our friends, families and colleagues.
Cancer is a devastating disease for so many. For people living with cancer, their treatments can be long and stressful. For those without solutions, the future can be uncertain. It’s a concern shared by their loved ones.
But with your support, I hope to help as many people impacted by cancer as possible. Together, we can support families when they need it most, empower people to reduce their risk, speak up for communities, and find new ways to better detect and treat cancer.
Every step I take is one closer to a cancer free future. But I can’t do it alone! Please donate to my Relay today and together, we can help Cancer Council provide life-changing support services, advocacy, prevention and research across Australia.
Thank you for stepping up. Together we’ll make powerful strides against cancer!
So far this year I've helped provide:
Our Team

Simone Smalley (C)

Vanessa Pittorini

Tara Codd

Lauren Ponton

maddison piggott

Hannah Rodgers

Imogen Mead

namita kurup

Jaiya Allen

elsie fraser

Elleka Healy

Lily Halls

Nina Foster

Catherine Imison

Sarah Allen

Ria Depisch

Raegen Henderson

ella van vugt

sophie porter

Ella Deveney

Tait Fewster

Izzy Hayler

olivia brodie

Taylor Salfinger

Lian Bewsher

Claire Wang

Ashley Farrell

Starcya Khew

Samarah Grewal

Oliver Keys

Zoe Doig

Lucy Garratt

gemma matla

willa field

Ava Godfrey

Caitlin Heavens

Ruhi Bhandari

Sophie Saggers

Iona Borman

polly prentice

Charlotte Swann

Angel Woon

Teagan Flowerdew

Chloe Hyndman

Tilly Williamson

Hannah Keswick

mila tana

ella smith

Hannah Wang

Ivy Hannington

Cara Wang

Ellie Simpson

Maya Miyagawa

Nicola Beattie

Pippa Smart

Ellie Adamson

Emily Allnutt

Jemima Austin

Joanna Intan

Anna Lubich

Kaylah Raubenheimer

Alyssa Salleh

Sasha Monro

Esha Kumar

Anika Dwivedi

alice woodward

Rafaela Worth

Maya Brincker

Emma Kerr

Stephanie Smedley

Charlotte Thom

Mercedes Grapsas

Alexis Anderson

Lucinda Anderson

Priyanka Muthukattu

Nimshica Kawryshanker

Lucinda Knox Lyttle

Ebony Neaves

Bronte Scott

Stella Gastevski

Tessa Nixon

Josie Billing

Maya Brincker

Asha Scott

Eve Cox

Alisha Boyatzis

Mia Thomas

Grace Bailey

eMILY zorotovic

Hannah Foley

Laila Khoury

Nellie Lee
Thank you to my Sponsors

Ivona Jercic-mcfadyen

Ronnie Toomath

Ivo Separovic
Go Em - you are a champion!!

The Jones’s
So proud of you Em! Xx

Lazarus Family
Well done Emily. I’m a breast cancer survivor, so this cause means a lot to me & my family.

Kelly Maley And Justin Kwok

Suzana Zorotovic

Well done Emily xx