Robyn Twigg OAM

Hornsby 2024


This will be my 20th year involved with this amazing event. As I dust off my pink Dunlop volley’s and my pink shirt I will attempt to walk the whole 24 hours of the Relay again. I started with the Pink Ribbons Team who retired after many incredible years of fundraising and support and now I walk as Pink Ribbons 2.

I am dedicating my walk to my friend of 35 years Robyn Lang who passed away in June after a courageous battle with metastatic breast cancer and to my dear friend Jenny Evans who passed away in September.
Both these beautiful souls fought their disease with strength, bravery, dignity and grace. I never heard either of them complain, they just got on with what had to happen and they were always thankful for the support and help given by so many.

With the money raised through Relay we can make a difference to those like Robyn and Jenny and their families to give them hope, support and care.

Robyn and Jenny fought hard and I was truly privileged to be a part of their journey and I know they will be willing me on every step of the 24 hours. Thank you.

Please join me for a few laps, come to Rofe Park and say hi or sponsor me in their name so that together we can make a difference as Robyn and Jenny did to my life and to the lives of many others that they touched. They are truly missed but never forgotten.

Thank you and see you all at the Cancer Council Hornsby Relay for Life Rofe Park 2/3rd November 2024.

Robyn Twigg OAM

So far this year I've helped provide:


Kids with a SunSmart education


Calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


Days of a PhD student's world-class research

My level:

Thank you to my Sponsors


Justine Egan And Family

Amazing amazing effort! We love you!



You’re a total inspiration Robbie! Truly amazing in every way! One of the most selfless people I know! Love your amazing work and behind you all the way, Kath xx


Pat & John Troy

Robyn is our hero, our angel and our friend. Her dedication in everything she does is beyond words. Good luck dear friend.


Malcolm Lothian

Go Robyn well done for your commitment over so many years


Jan Pammer


Craig, Millie, Bodhi, Summer & Kai

20 years, wow Robbie!!!! What an amazing effort! You really are an inspiration in everything you do.


Celia Craig

Luv you darling Robbie you are such an inspiration. I'll try and join you this year unlike last year when it poured but you didn't give up ❤️🫂❤️


Peter Lang & Libby Gardner

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for mum and our family! You and mum had the most amazing friendship and the impact of that will stay with us.


Susan Goldie

Rob your own journey has been a challenging one but you continue to stand up for others. Thankyou and here’s to our dearest Robyn.


Allison Watkiss

My dear friend Robbie, you have assisted, supported & given love to so many people in need over the years. So lovely that you’re doing the relay this year in memory of Robyn and Jenny. You are a true inspiration but please take care of yourself also. Hugs & love. Ally & family


Robbie Stuart

You are such an inspiration Robbie #1 ! I can’t be there physically this year to walk a few laps with you but I’ll be there in spirit. Robyn & Jenny will be cheering you on too 😃👏❤️ Go Rob! Xxx


Debbie & Mark Kenyon

We know you can do this Robbie and we will be cheering you on every single step you take.


Ella Gracias


Robyn Lang’s Family

Robyn. Thanks for your many many years friendship for Robyn and for this run.

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