Dean Towers

Illawarra 2024

Join me in stepping up the fight against cancer.

This year, I’m taking on Relay For Life and completing a personal challenge to raise funds for the cancer council. 

Far too many of us are fighting cancer, or supporting a loved one with cancer. Each day/ cycle of treatment and recovery is a battle, with the physical and psychological scars lasting a lifetime. 

I'm privileged to be able to complete a physical and psychological challenge to show my support and to help raise funds with the Elossa Community in the fight for a better tomorrow for those who have and are to be affected by cancer in the future. 

I’ll be completing laps on the day of the relay with my family, Elossa staff, and with the Elossa community members who can join us on the day. 

For my physical and psychological challenge, I've chosen to run, walk, and crawl  my way from one Elossa to the other. My wife tells me that it'll be around 35km! My biggest run in the last 12 months has been 5km so you can bet i'll be hitting the pavement to get some Kms in the legs.

It’s one day of pain and suffering in the hope that it encourages you to join us in completing some laps with the Elossa community on the day of the relay, or to make a donation to the great cause, or even join us at our Elossa fundraising Trivia night, or perhaps do all three. 

Thank you to all who are donating and supporting the relay for life. ❤️

So far this year I've helped provide:


Kids with a SunSmart education


Calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


Days of a PhD student's world-class research

My level:

My Updates

Race day

The final 2 weeks of prep I managed 1 x 10km run in Dubbo on a family trip to the zoo. The following weekend I was resting up and recovering from Gastro that went through the family. 
Finally the big run, my plan: get as far as I can then break it down into shorter runs  and walks  until I make it. 
We’ll the “as far as I can” turned out to be 20km, then started the 1km walk, 1 km run phase, once I hit the walk at 28km my Adductors were cramping and Hips were aching, when I hit 29km and it was time to run again my body wouldn’t go, so longer bouts of walking and shorter 200-500m runs were all I could muster, this carried on until I could see Elossa and the welcoming party, seeing them released a nice amount of adrenaline and my hips stopped complaining long enough for me to shuffle myself to the finish line. 
Thank you for everyone who has donated to the Elossa team, what an amazing and supporting community we have. 


Fun Fact: I live 3.7km from my front door to Elossa Corrimal’s front door.
I know this because I decided I better run some of the path I’ll be taking when the big run happens. Plus it was an excuse to stop for a drink and to say hi to those who were training at Elossa at the time. 
So I ran from home, to corrimal, then direct to the ocean path, through Puckeys, then back home. 
Felt terrible for the first 5-6km but once I hit the ocean track it all became easier to tick the legs over and churn out 13km to do what little training I can to prepare for the big run.
I like to go into things naive but it’s not lost on me that this run is gunna test me big time. 
Unfortunately I seem to have lost the ability to update photos on the gallery linked to the fundraising page,  so if you wanna see evidence of the runs look up Dean Towers on Strava. :) 


Squeezed in a Saturday night run after visiting the Tulip festival in Bowral. 
Set out from home to run for 15km . 
Took a bit of convincing myself to keep running away from home for 7.5km as I was feeling it 5km in but managed to self talk myself into it. 
Something about turning around and every step being a step closer to finishing that makes it less fatiguing. 
Last 3 km was a struggle and I wasn’t far off cramping in the left hammy, and now sporting a decent blister on one of my toes. 
Starting to realise the hurt I’m gunna be in for the big run from studio to studio. 
All for a good cause, thanks for donating. 😊


Set out to run 10km this morning, trying to run slow is hard when all your training life you’ve been encouraged (perhaps bullied is a better word to use) to go as hard as you can. 
Luckily Annie my running buddy was dragging the chain, instead of stopping after 10km I kept going for the full hour as I was feeling good. 
Thanks to all who have donated and/or joined the team so far, the $$ do make a difference, any little bit of support that you don’t expect when you’re having the scariest day of your life is uplifting. 😊


I spotted 2 Elossa members on my run home after completing my CPR refresher course in the city. 
For everyone else, here’s some evidence of that I’m putting in the effort to get my body ready to tackle the big run. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Beth Lui

Well done Dean


Hugh & Kathleen Docherty

Hope you finish stronger than the Swans did.


Ingrid Zanier




What a run for such a great cause.


Lyn & Daryl Miller

Well done Dean! A fantastic effort.


Emily Robinson

Congrats Dean!!


Donna Robertson

Well done Dean!


Morgan Moore & Associates


Chris Moore

I would donate 1000 if you ran to hornsby heights just saying for next year. But keep up the great work you do Deano


Margaret Kelly

Congratulations Dean. Best wishes for a great run




Vi Regal


Sue Garato

Happy running great job Dean


Christine Ryan


Denise Alsop




Breanna Towers

You can do it!!


Carole Carter


Jacky Horn

Have a great day


Sharon Morris


Allison Towers



Good work Deano and Jess. Miss you two.


Meredith Elossa Member

Dean, I hope you reach your goal and I will be encouraging you all the way!




Dean Towers


Dean Towers

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